Saturday 25 August 2012

A Legless Soldier Talks To A Pair of Boots

Jesto Thankachan 
of III BA English Copy Editor 
presents a post-colonial poem. 
Sometimes, academic courses inspire you to write poetry! 

A Legless Soldier Talks To A Pair of Boots

The nagging, unorthodox, slippery tongue 
of my thinking, matchless, leather boots
shocks me now in an absence...

My boot was the son of 
a dead percussion instrument,
pseudo-womb of repressed reverberations
in a spell-bound trauma.

They recast him to fit to my feet
as an obedient silence.

But his paralysed, glittering body's
coarse soul lain blessed with its
adamant, pithy tongue of violence.

My boots could recite the tyrannical fate 
of rascals from the life of his molested mother,
in a piece of lyric from Shakespearean tragedy.

I prepared myself to die in a cold prison
with these burnt flesh where me legs started,
and the black sediments precipitated
in the unused vessel of soul.

I argued a lot; read a lot, strived and 
starved to save the tongue of my boots.

But the epic of enigma within me,
the injected peril of power,
killed my boot's hidden tongue last day.

Now I too search for my drowned words
of the soul, in  a plague-like silence.

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