Wednesday 21 October 2020

A Life in the Sunshine: Nandanalakshmi M, First Year English

 The great bursts of leaves, its nascent luster 

Along with the embellished blue azure;

It emanates those evocations again and again 
world I always aspired as a permanent fixture.

Those days were never cognate to my dispatched bustles, 
Just something with a life, full of gaieties.
A blistering and blissful summer,
which induces infinite remembrances beyond any bounds.

My grandparents waited impatiently for my arrival
with the whole house and garden being ready and stabilised; 
And when I reached, I saw a flare in those eyes,
Out of an intense serenity when the most awaited guest comes.

We mention summer to be a riot time, or 
An extraordinary daylight savings time
But for me, it was all secured to heal the wounds 
By the occult power of nature for mending minds

I enjoyed those delightfully rich desserts grandma made 
And taught my grandpa those sensational Snapchats!
I had days to restore my childhood with cousins, 
With cat’s cradle, peekaboo and hopscotches.

We explored the tailor-made rituals of the place 
Which are far apart from the life in burghals!
And I was entirely a new girl in ethnic wear, 
diversely transformed from my itinerary past.

And then, those two months came to an end with a farewell, 
to the most splendid summer life I witnessed;
Everything went back, leaving an unadorned ‘goodbye’ 
And a few transitions from moments to memories.

I’m awaited to feel the warmth of the next summer,
But I know;
“Summer will end soon enough and childhood as well.”

Nandanalakshmi M

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